Diversity and Inclusion
CPCP provides equal opportunities and ensures that employees of all backgrounds are treated equally and contribute fully to our vision and goals. We emphasize building diverse teams to drive positive results. Talent comes from all cultures, countries, races, genders, sexual orientations, abilities, beliefs, generations, backgrounds and experiences. We provide a platform where people can thrive in a respectful and inclusive environment. Diversity and Inclusion help CPCP strengthen relationships with our clients, our partners, and the communities in which we operate.

Our Commitment
CPCP is a woman and an immigrant led firm, "Diversity and Inclusion" is close to our heart and at core of what we do as a firm. CPCP is building a multi-cultural and a multigenerational team that embraces diversity. , better through legal remedies. Therefore, we do not believe in standard solutions or skipping where the fence is lowest.
Target gender diversity within the CPCP team
Target capital allocation towards women-led businesses from our buyout fund

Investing for Equality
Global reports on performance analysis suggests a positive relationship between greater gender balance in companies and financial returns. Since diversity in leadership and teams tends to reduce groupthink and improve corporate decision-making, CPCP believes having female leaders and democratic participation in operating businesses have a positive correlation to performance. We are always eager to invest in private enterprises and fulfill unmet gender equality demands and generate a compelling return for our investors.
Pay Equity
In the U.S., women make less than men, and women of color take home less than white women. Worldwide, women hold only about one-third of corporate leadership positions. Businesses have been working for decades to advance gender equality in the workplace, but progress has been slow and results disappointing. Through targeted recruitment, development and retention, and promotion paths and processes, we aim to achieve pay parity. Paying our employees fairly and equitably relative to their role, skills, experience and performance is crux to our philosophy.
Targeted Recruiting
We have a clear objective at CPCP to be more representative of the communities, clients and customers we serve. CPCP strives to recruit female talent and works with recruitment partners to identify diverse talent for shortlists. For senior level hires, we continue to include at least one woman, immigrant or racial/ethnic minority in our interviews for US and Canada hires with a target to have 50% female colleagues firm-wide by 2024. We launched a 'Ricoché Program' where we provide an opportunity to those who have been out of the workplace for at least 12 months and previously worked at a mid or senior level.
We realize exceptional value in having a well-rounded, inclusive workplace. We strive to attract, promote and develop the best team to reflect the stakeholders we partner with, the communities with conduct business in and the investors we serve.
Diversity in our team makes us stronger and more effective and help create more value for our clients.